This is where the fun really starts.
Review, on Track
Pack drill – pack speeds up and slows down, movement from the inside to the outside, stops, back to the front, transition as a pack, fall small within the pack, bump wheels, squats, sticky skating, knee taps, pushes and hip movement by name,
Sharking – moves fluidly from side to side of the track, performs smooth lateral cuts, crossing the track at least 3 times on the straightaway and 2 times on turns
Introduction to Positional Blocking
Plow stopping in front of another skater to slow that skater down
Duck Walk plow technique
Blocking with a partner in front of a “Jamming” skater
LEGAL BLOCKING ZONES - block ONLY with the "pink" areas shown
Introduction to Checks and Hits
Stationary hip hits with partner, check mark with hips, getting low, pop up
Movement into hip hits, slow pace, sharking into hit, no elbows
Taking a hit, derby stance
Two lines of skaters – Inside Skater is the hitter, hits “jammer” to the outside
Two lines of skaters – Outside skater hits “jammer” to the inside
Both “jammer” skaters enter track legally, no cutting, discuss
LEGAL TARGET ZONES - aim your hits ONLY at the "pink" areas
Endurance, endurance , endurance!
Learn Hand Signals: WFTDA Officiating Cues, Codes, and Signals