Keep going! Here's what we're working on.
Backward Skating, T-Stops , Plow Stops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M6Moa8a9EY&list=PLif92Hk7nSXLbPWxFa0N6LjxtbpQB1pHR&index=4, Quick Feet and Stepping
Transitions Review – Stationary first then add movement, both ways, head turns first the direction you want to go, step-step motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwWLe6qGvwo&list=PLif92Hk7nSXLbPWxFa0N6LjxtbpQB1pHR&index=11
Fluid Motion and Jumps
Intro to one foot glides – on each foot for the length of the track turn and straightaway
Sharking – moves fluidly from side to side of the track, performs smooth lateral cuts, crossing the track at least 3 times on the straightaway and 2 times on turns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAg4fRwJCjw&list=PLif92Hk7nSXLbPWxFa0N6LjxtbpQB1pHR&index=14
Weaving – movement through 10 cones no more than 5 feet apart, though the straightaway and track turn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcAwF6VH26c&list=PLif92Hk7nSXLbPWxFa0N6LjxtbpQB1pHR&index=10
Hopping – hops over an object without stumbling or losing balance, jumps with both feet simultaneously https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwNLLnoymi8&list=PLif92Hk7nSXLbPWxFa0N6LjxtbpQB1pHR&index=8
Lateral Jumping – springs from one foot to the other while moving forwards, moving laterally across the track, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd3B6zV11SI&list=PLif92Hk7nSXLbPWxFa0N6LjxtbpQB1pHR&index=5
Group Skate
Introduction to Hip Whips – taking a whip off another skaters body without pulling the skaters off balance, whipper stays stable, whipper uses speed properly, keeps balance at all times, take speed and control, use derby stance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z7le6fKd1I&list=PLif92Hk7nSXLbPWxFa0N6LjxtbpQB1pHR&index=12
Introduction to Pushes – pushing receiver in the (muffin top) area with ample force to provide noticeable change in receivers skaters direction, pushes are centred and even, parallel to the floor, maintain balance, uses momentum to accelerate , able to take speed and skate out of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ0SA7EhbfE&list=PLif92Hk7nSXLbPWxFa0N6LjxtbpQB1pHR&index=17
Practice jumping laterally without skates, then practice hopping with both feet bringing your knees up and feet towards your bum,
With skates on at home practice one foot balancing in a stationary position
Recommended Workouts:
Basic Training Derby Strength Workout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-9_7RcLKjg&t=10s
Get Stronger Plow Stops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHcrwsZsF-k&list=RDCMUCdroAmX05tqMwDAGKLpokCg&index=3
Get out and skate!
Thornton has a covered sport court, perfect for skating - beside the Thornton Community Centre. https://goo.gl/maps/SEZuKtvjsFQbrQig7
Grenfel has a covered rink:https://goo.gl/maps/GHnNwaTPNz93MeEF9
Don't forget about The Roller Skating Place! - Home (therollerskatingplace.com)