We introduce a lot of different skills over these first few weeks - and it might feel like INFORMATION OVERLAD. Don't get discouraged! It takes some time to get the hang of these movements and skills. We introduce them right away to give you time to work on them in the later weeks.
Keep working, a little at a time. It doesn't get easier - but you will get stronger!
The power of visualization:
Picture yourself performing well and doing the task well. This kind of "mental rehearsal" will help you do better!
Review/ Still working on:
Derby Stance; T stops, Falling Small.
Plow stops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M6Moa8a9EY;
New this week:
Introduction to Weaving: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcAwF6VH26c
Introduction to Transitions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwWLe6qGvwo
Endurance Skating, Introduction to Crossovers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJwKQE6HR2Q
WFTDA Rules to know about
Skater Position & Engagement Zone: 2. Gameplay — The Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby | 20200101 (wftda.com)
Off the track - stay strong!
Try to work out off the track when you can. Roller Derby Athletics has some great free workouts: https://rollerderbyathletics.com/basic-training/