Pat yourself on the back! You are working hard and it sure doesn’t come easy. Stick with it and don’t get discouraged!!!
Here's what's coming up for this week's practice:
Skate Review with Partner– T-stops, plow stops, Right and Left Knee Falls, Lateral Jumping, Hopping, Backward skating, Wheel Bumping, Pushing, Hip Whips
Pack Skate
Fall small – learn to fall small and get back up to join the pack
Stepping around obstacles
Increase/decrease speed
Accelerate from a standstill, practice stance and apex use
Discussion of Track Lanes and Corners
Using stepping exercise: skaters step to lanes called out to them while in derby stance
Whipping, Hopping & Weaving
Inside whip & outside whips
Hopping – hops over an object without stumbling or losing balance, jumps with both feet simultaneously
Weaving through 10 Cones, Slalom style at moderate speed, movement through 10 cones no more than 5 feet apart, though them
Introduction to Turn around Toe stops
Build on Transitions and add toe stops, sink into stop, get lower, use control
I love how Marilyn Tantrum explains things:
Keep practicing those Transitions & Turn arounds on skates